Field Directory

Field Info

Gavin Park 90'

10 Lewis Dr Saratoga Springs, NY 12866

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From the south: Exit 15 of I-87 (the Northway). Take right at top of exit ramp. Go past Wilton Mall on the right. After the mall take your 3rd left onto Jones Rd. There is a Stewarts shop on the corner. Stay on Jones Rd. for about 1.5 miles. Take a left onto Beverly St. and proceed to end. You will enter Gavin Park. As you enter the park the field is far back, past concession, past 60' field. Adjacent parking lot available.

From the north: Exit 16 of I-87 (the Northway). Take right at top of exit ramp. Take your first left onto Traver Rd. Proceed on Traver Rd. approximately 1 � miles to stop sign at fork in the road. Stay straight at fork. You are now on Northern Pines Rd. Proceed on Northern Pines Rd. for approximately 1 � miles. You will see McGregor Links Country Club on your left. Take your first left after McGregor Links onto Carr Rd. Proceed on Carr Rd. to end. At stop sign take a left onto Jones Rd. and a quick right onto Beverly St. and proceed to end. You will enter Gavin Park. As you enter the park the field is far back, past concession, past 46/60 field. Adjacent parking lot available.

Directions by Google

lo  3 hi
lo  3 hi
lo  3 hi