
There are nearly 500 individual menu items available to each club on the website. The vast majority are also available to team managers and coaches. A much smaller portion is available to players. (For more on website access privileges see Help > Access).

For such a great amount of information to be useful, it must be organized in logical order so that it can be easily found. The menu system classifies the information into 8 main menus, each of which consists of three levels. Each level corresponds to one the colored bars surrounding the banner at the top of the page. The top menu bar is red, is located immediately above the banner and includes all 8 main menus (referred to as "level 1"). Reading left to right on the top red menu bar: [Main], [League Info], [Inside The League], [Tournaments], [Opening Weekend], [Required Info], [Tools] and [Help]. If you are not logged-in, you will see only five main menus. And if you are logged in as a League Administrator, you will see a 9th menu, [Admin].

To open any main menu simply place your cursor on its name. This opens a drop down menu, listing all choices available on that particular main menu. Altogether the 8 main menus include nearly 50 separate level 1 choices. To select a menu item from any main menu, simply click its name.

Each level 1 choice has its own set of sub-menus ("level 2") and each level 2 sub-menu has its own set of "level 3" choices. The first main menu, aptly named Main, includes nearly 50 level 3 menu items, organized under five level 1 menu items and 20 level 2 sub-menus.

The level 2 sub-menu bar is also red and it is located immediately below the banner. The level 3 menu bar is blue and it is located immediately below the level 2 sub-menu bar.

Menu selections are made from top to bottom i.e., level 1 to level 2 to level 3. The level 2 sub-menu bar populates conditional on the level 1 selection and similarly, the level 3 menu bar populates conditional on the level 2 sub-menu selection. Some level 1 items have only a single level 2 choice and some level 2 sub-menus have only a single level 3 choice. (When either a level 2 or level 3 menu bar is blank, it just means the next higher level menu selection has just a single option.) Whether a menu bar has a single option or many, it always includes a default selection for the item selected at the next higher level. Each time a selection is made, the default(s) control what content is first loaded into the browser window (hint: always scroll down the page to see the full content). The level 2 defaults are highlighted as dark blue tabs. The letters of the level 3 defaults are yellow.

One of the advantages of a tiered menu system like this is that all levels are always visible. To change content (navigate), the user may select any option from any of the three menu bars. Users can see what related content is available on any level, and easily switch. This makes the website easy to explore.

Things to remember, include:

A few minutes of experimentation and you should be navigating your way around the website with ease. A site map, showing the tree structure for the entire site is coming soon.