Postponements, Reschedules, Cancellations, etc.



Following the official release of the tentative League Schedule, teams have a two week grace period to make any necessary reschedules with their opponents. During this period, everyone is obligated to be as cooperative as possible in granting reschedules w/o sacrificing the integrity of their own schedule e.g., if you wanted to play a max of five games per week and that is what you were given, then you might not want to add a 6th game in week. In such cases, you can wait for another request to materialize and perhaps trade the two games. In the end, if you can't honor your opponent's request w/o doing harm to your team's schedule, you are not required to do so. In this case, you could wait for a possible in-season cancellation before forcing your opponent to forfeit. Another possibility is to take the game off both team's schedules w/o penalty via the no harm/no foul cancellation option. Be careful though, if this is a TQG in a Non Flex division and that game is required to meet the head-to-head minimum, you may want to think twice because you will lose two points by giving the no harm/no foul cancellation, compared to taking a forfeit win.

During the grace period, whenever any two teams are unable to find a reschedule date that works for both parties, the League Director can be contacted for assistance. If either has an unfilled date that was available for play in the team's scheduling inputs, the game will be played on that date or forfeited by the team unable to play. If there are several such dates, the team not requesting the reschedule will be given their choice. If no such dates are available, the league director may be help in other ways e.g., find a neutral field on a date when both teams are available w/o a field or via the possibility of rescheduling a game with a 3rd party. There is no penalty for nor any limit on the number of scheduling changes a team can make during this grace period. Once changes are agreed to by both parties, they should be entered on the ENYTB website using the GAME MANAGEMENT TOOLS (see below) provided via Update Game Status available on each game listing on each team's schedule.

IN-SEASON Reschedules

Once the grace period ends or the regular season is underway, whichever comes first, schedules are considered final and teams are expected to adhere to them. Any non-weather related postponement/reschedule request after this time must be agreed to by your opponent, who is under no obligation to accommodate your request. The League encourages members to be cooperative and make every reasonable effort to accommodate rescheduling requests throughout the entire season provided a timely notification of at least 7 days is provided and provided the change would not disadvantage your team. On the other hand, when notification is not timely, i.e., less than 7 days in advance, the League encourages members NOT to accommodate any postponement request. In the latter instance, teams should be required to take a forfeit loss. This will encourage them to be more reliable in the future or at least provide timely notifications. When a team can't field nine players for a game, regardless of reason, other than death, a forfeit should be required. The penalty for non-playing forfeit losses is progressive. First, in non-Flex divisions, unlike playing losses, no point is awarded in the standings for any forfeit loss. Any team with three or more forfeit losses is subject to increasing fines and suspension at the discretion of the League.

ENYTB rules re: Postponements, Reschedules and Scoring Of Played Games After 5 days have elapsed beyond the scheduled date of game and it has neither been scored or rescheduled, all parties will be notified by teh website that they have two days left to update their schedule. If they fail to, the game will marked PASSED and nobody gets benefit or penalty for game. Neither team is under any obligation to make-up game.

SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT TOOLS The RML includes a comprehensive set of SCHEDULE MANAGEMENT TOOLS that enable each team to update and keep current its online schedule. The league has established a protocol for every possible category of postponement, reschedule or cancellation. Each of these protocols can be accessed on your schedule by clicking the "Update Game Status" link for the game you wish to update in some manner.

Any game edit appears on both teams' online schedules simultaneously and an automatic email is sent to all parties informing them of the schedule change, including the League Office.