Section 5.1 Proposals

Amendments may be proposed by either the Board or Members Committee, according to the provisions of section 4.4.

Section 5.2 Member Proposals

Any member may initiate a proposal to change, revise and/or extend the Constitution. All such proposals must be submitted in writing to the members committee for its consideration. Any submission will be voted upon by the members committee within 30 days and if approved, by the Board within 60 days. If approved, the general membership will be notified and the proposal will be added to the agenda of the next general common meeting for discussion purposes and a possible general membership vote, provided sufficient written notice was provided.

Section 5.3 League Notification

The President must provide the general membership with written notification of any proposed Constitutional changes at least two weeks prior to the meeting that said amendments are to be considered and voted upon by the general membership.

Section 5.4 Passage Requirements

This Constitution and By-Laws may be altered, amended or repealed by:

Members Committee - A two-thirds majority vote of the members present, provided at least two-thirds of all members are present for the vote (a quorum);

Board - A two-thirds majority vote of the Board members present, provided at least two-thirds of all members are present for the vote (a quorum); and,

General Membership - A two-thirds majority vote of general members present, provided members representing at least two-thirds of the total possible votes are present for the vote (a quorum).

This section requires the approval of both the Board AND the members' committee before any proposed constitutional change is offered for consideration or vote by the general membership.