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Roster Management 101: The Basics

posted by Administrator 01/20/2025 12:01:30


Roster minimum = 11 players
Roster maximum = 18 players (21 player max ages 17U and older)

Roster minimum must be met before season starts
Rosters stay open all year for additions/subtraction

Deadline for taking an ACTIVE player from another club is March 1st for 9U-12U teams. Deadline is April 1st for 13U & older.

Players baseball age is defined as their age on April 30th of the current year.
Teams are allowed to carry a maximum of 4 overaged players (players that are 1 year older than their teams age division. For more info on rules governing over-aged players: READ HERE

Building/Maintaining your Roster:

Step 1:

When a team is activated for a new season, you gain access to your roster by logging into ENYTB.com > My Team > My Roster.

- If you are a new team to the league, it will be blank.
- If you are a returning team to the league, it will have all the players that were on your roster last year.

(NOTE: When you activate for a summer season, you will see your SUMMER roster from last year. Not your fall ball roster. The database houses SUMMER teams and FALL teams separately. You may think a player is already on your roster because you added him in the fall. This is false, you must add him again to your summer roster).

Step 2 (Returning Teams only):

To be done in January/February

You must update the status of all the players on your roster.

- ACTIVE: If the player is coming back for this season, leave them as ACTIVE.

- DID NOT REPORT: If the player chose on their own not to come back to your team this season, mark them as DID NOT REPORT

- CUT LIST: If you chose not to offer the player a roster spot for any reason, you must mark them as CUT LIST

- INTRA-CLUB TRANSFER: Only Club GMs have access to this function. If you are moving a player from one team in your club to a different team, mark them as INTRA-CLUB TRANSFER.

- INELIGIBLE LIST: Rarely used. If a player owes the club money or equipment and is no longer playing for your club, mark them as INELIGIBLE LIST. The player will have to settle any debts before they will be allowed to play for another ENYTB team.

- INJURED RESERVE LIST: If a player is injured for the season and you need to create an open roster spot for a replacement player, place the injured player on INJURED RESERVE LIST.

After updating the drop down list for each player, click "SAVE STATUS" the orange button at bottom of your roster. (Sometimes this hides to the bottom right)

Step 3: Add New Players


On Feb 1st, non-returning teams will be marked as "dead" and it will minimize the amount of RFA credits you must use to acquire players from other teams in the league.

There is an orange button on the bottom of your roster to "ADD PLAYER", click that to add a player.


Search for a player by keying in the first few letters of their last name.

If you find a match, link the player. (Most players in the Capital District will be in the database by their 14 year old year.)

If the player is brand new to ENYTB, you will have to enter the required personal info, then link the player, then upload proof of DOB.
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