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2020 Changes - Program Changes Plus Proposed ENYTB Rule Changes

posted by Administrator 01/01/2020 05:01:09

To: All ENYTB Members
RE: 2020 Look-Ahead

Every year about this time we provide league members with a detailed preview to the changes we are considering for the following season. That is the subject of this email.

All of the proposed changes for 2020 are described here:


Many of these proposals address complaints that members have registered with the league while others are improvements in doing what we already do. A third category includes things that are wholly new.

We are very interested in receiving your feedback to these proposals. As you read through, if you have a strong reaction one way or the other or if an idea occurs to you that we haven’t thought of, please send it along. None of what is in this email is set in concrete yet but most of our new work will be implemented over the next few months. So this is your chance to be heard and to have an impact.

We also look forward to talking with you when you activate your club/teams on or after JAN 2 (when we open the league for the 2020 season) and to seeing as many of you as possible at our 25th annual kick-off meeting in FEB.

Have a great off-season and as always, thanks for choosing ENYTB!

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