INTRODUCTIONThe league management solution used by ENYTB is owned by (RML). is designed to satisfy all league information needs 24x7.MY TEAM MENU - Everything a manager needs to run his ENYTB team during the regular season is located on the MY TEAM menu, including: schedules, lineup cards, score entry, game reports, standings, player stats, team communication, your team's Division News Board, Scoreboard, and a self-updating list of your team's three immediate upcoming games. The Scoreboard has a running stream of recent league results. The results are geared to teams of the same age and power rating of your team. Thus, for example, 14U Gold teams will see scores of games involving 14U Gold teams.MY CLUB MENU - Club owners and GMs have access to MY TEAM for each of their teams as well as to a MY CLUB menu whose content is customized to your club. A club may choose to become an ENYTB member for many reasons. Some join for the great competition and diversity of opponents available via regular season play. Others for the centralized access to four or more sanctioned post-seasons. Still others for the customized experience. More than 90% or ENYTB members, when polled, have said they wanted ENYTB to provide limited roster protection and a high degree of schedule reliability. ENYTB delivers in both areas.Regardless of your reasons for joining ENYTB, the website is an unexpected bonus for most because it is one of a kind. Designed and developed by ENYTB President and his son Peter Frye, it represents more than a decade of continuous effort. In short, it is designed to mirror the day-to-day league operations of ENYTB on an interactive basis. is filled with numerous capabilities for teams to interact with the league, their fellow members and their own coaches and players. also makes the majority of its content available to the public (5 out of 8 main menus).Members have three levels of premium content available to them. The club level, the team level and the player level. Every person linked to the club or any of its teams is provided a personal password. That password tells the system what club/team you are affiliated with and what level of access privileges you have.When you log-in, you immediately find yourself in your own private, secure area where all premium content and tools are customized to your club and team. The website creates a virtual baseball office for the club owner, the club GM and each team manager, coach and player. Each can conduct various informational transactions related to league participation as well as interact with the league, including league administration, other teams, and your players, etc. With game reports and standings, you always in the know re: your team's competitive position in the league.GENERAL NAVIGATIONThere are eight main "menus" to choose from at the top of each page. They never change. Five of those eight menus are simultaneously available to members as well as the public. They are: Home Page; About; League Play; Tournaments; and, Help. The Home Page includes three items of great importance: the ENYTB News Board, the ENYTB Calendar of Events, and the ENYTB Team Activation Board.The About menu is where you find the ENYTB Constitution and By-Laws as well as the members of the Executive Board. This menu also includes the ENYTB News Board and its Archives. It also includes detailed descriptions of the history of the league and its program as well as a timeline of its first decade of development. The League Play menu is a fun menu because it pertains to actual play during the regular season. It includes, standings, stats, upcoming games, field directions and much much more etc. It is ENYTB's own sport pages during league play.The Tournament Menu provides a complete listing of all tournament options available to ENYTB members. Some of these tournaments are sanctioned and some are not. Some are hosted by ENYTB and some are not. Those tournaments that are hosted by ENYTB have their own tournament home page which provides direct access to all information relevant to that tournament. The Tournament Menu also reports which ENYTB teams won berths to which sanctioned tournaments and what players they drafted from other ENYTB teams, if any. The Help menu features a comprehensive FAQ page that covers every question ever asked about ENYTB, organized by 30 plus subject areas. It is the single most useful part of the website for finding answers to all your questions. WARNING - Some of it isn't light reading. A baseball league seems like such a simple thing but after reading many of the Q&A on the FAQ page, you will quickly realize there is much more to ENYTB than meets the eye. Website Tips is another item on the Help menu that can be very helpful when learning the ropes of the website.Everything discussed so far is available to members and the public alike i.e., it requires no log-in.The three remaining menus are: My Club; My Team; and, Tools. They are regarded as premium content menus because they require log-in to access. These are the private, secure area where all content and tools are customized to your club and team i.e., they comprise a virtual baseball office from which you can conduct all of your interactions with the league, including your opponents, players, etc.Let's take a bit closer look at the types of things you can do on these menus.My ClubThis menu gives access only to club level passwords linked to your club. It includes five separate functions.First, is a Personal Profile folder for the current user. It allows that person to edit his contact info, his email preferences and it lets him change his password.The second folder is marked Utilities. It gives you access to a potpourri of functions such as: links to team insurance applications from different providers; a capability to upload your club logo to the website and to link it to your own website; it stores the passwords for all of your managers and coaches by team so that you can assist them if they have difficulty with gaining access to the website; and, you also have the capability to grant club level access to anybody you wish. The third folder is marked Club Account. It includes three important items. First, is your club profile which shows information about your own club, including its teams. It provides access to a team directory for each of your teams where you can change out managers and coaches. There's a complaint function available as well. Next is your consolidated invoice. This is a tremendously useful page as it provides the financial details for each of your teams, including purchases, fines and payments. They are aggregated to a club level as well. Lastly is the team deadline page. Every item of information required by the league is represented by a column on this page. From this table you can see what each of your teams has completed thus far and what is left to be done.My TeamAnalogous to My Club but quite different in some regards. Access to this menu requires team level access (managers, coaches, players). Club level persons have full access to all team info as well.Like the My Club menu, My Team has both a personal Preferences folder and a Utilities folder. The Utilities folder includes the capabaility for teams (or club) to post free ads on announcing that players are wanted or tryouts are to be held. My Team also has Team Deadlines and Team Account folders. The Team Account includes a team profile page in addition to team registration and invoice forms.My Team also includes four other very important functional areas: Team Rosters; Unrestricted Free Agents; Team Schedule and Team Standings.ToolsThe final premium content menu is called TOOLS. It includes three search functions, one for contact info, one for scheduled games, and one for other teams available for pick-up games. Im addition, it includes a very useful email capability.This is just an introduction to the website. As you explore it on your own you will continue to discover new treasures!
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