Rules and Regulations
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Last Dates For Adding Players To Your Roster
A. Unrestricted Free Agents (UFA): No Limit
B. Restricted Free Agents (RFA):
1 - Active RFA: MAR 1
2 - Inactive RFA: No Limit
II Ages 13u & Older:
A. Unrestricted Free Agents (UFA): No Limit
B. Restricted Free Agents (RFA):
1 - Active RFA: APR 1
2 - Inactive RFA: No Limit
NOTE1: If an RFA notifies his team BEFORE these deadlines that he's not coming back to play for them in the current year, that team is obligated to make player inactive i.e., put the player on its DNR list.
NOTE2: If an RFA notifies his team AFTER these deadlines that he's not coming back to play for them in the current year, it is the team's discretion whether to make the player inactive i.e., put the player on its DNR list.