Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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The Premier Travel League In Eastern Upstate NY



What's New This Year (in the League)?

The Basics

Approximate Cost Of Fielding A Travel Team

Annual Timeline - ENYTB Participation

Annual Informational Meetings

New Member Orientation

The Club GM

Team Registration Part I - Team Activation

Team Registration Part II - Your Purchase

Team Registration - Part III - Other

Loopholes On Age Eligibility

Fines & Security Deposits

Paid Advertising -

Free Ads on (Members Only)

Placing/Finding Team Ads For Pick-Up Games

League Playing Rules

Wood Bats

Composite Metal Bat Restrictions

Sanctioned Post-Season Play - What is it?

Last Man Standing Tournaments - What Are They?

Online Roster Management System (ORMS)

Roster Management Protocols

How ENYTB Regulates Player Movement Between Teams


Customized Scheduling - 101



  • Basic 5-STEP Protocol For All Discretionary Schedule Changes
  • Read Me First!

    A schedule is a plan. And we all know that the plans of men and mice can go awry. Probably no league sports schedule in America is played exactly as planned. For example, in a relatively large travel league like ENYTB, for various reasons, hundreds of games get rescheduled every year. Still more are forfeited or canceled and never played. Thus, for the league to function smoothly on a daily basis, there needs to be a system whereby teams can update their own league schedules as required. And, as we shall soon see, for some kinds of schedule changes, that system must incorporate:
    • a mechanism for submitting change requests to opponents;
    • a mechanism for submitting responses to those requests i.e., whether they are granting or denying the request; and,
    • a mechanism that automatically updates both teams' schedules, where applicable.
    The most common type of schedule change is postponement due to bad weather (rain/snow).

    In an ideal world, weather postponements, suspended games and perhaps forfeits would be the only types of schedule changes permissable. However, ENYTB also gives teams the discretion to approve two other kinds of schedule changes: the non-weather postponement and the no harm/no foul cancellation. All so-called discretionary schedule changes take the form of a request from Team A to Team B, followed by a reply from Team B to Team A.

    Non-weather postponements begins as a "request". This is the situation where one team (Team A) can't play an upcoming game as scheduled but is willing to play it on a different date if the other team is agreeable to such a change. These requests must be entered to the website seven days prior to the scheduled date of the game. Teams are limited to two non-weather postponements per season (doubleheaders count as one).

    No harm/no foul cancellations begin as a request as well. This type of schedule change is designed to accommodate situations where both teams would prefer to cancel the game outright i.e., without make-up. Teams are limited to two no harm/no foul cancellations per season (doubleheaders count as one). As the name implies, there is no penalty to either team for a NHNFC.



    All schedule changes and/or requests must first be made in person, by phone or email (primary contact of Team A contacts primary contact of Team B).


    Immediately after RULE #1 is satisfied, Team A must enter the change (or initiate the request for a change) on the website via its online schedule. In the case where a request was denied, there is nothing to enter.

    Not all schedule changes require an opponent's approval e.g., weather postponements (home team enters), suspended games (either team enters) and forfeits (offending team enters). Nonetheless, RULE #1 still applies to changes not requiring approval.

    For most other schedule changes however, opponent approval is required, including the non-weather postponement discussed above.


    • Fulfill RULE #1;
    • Team A (the team initiating the request) must submit a request on its online schedule for the type of change desired.
    • The website notifies Team B of his opponent's request and provides full instructions for how to submit a reply confirming that the request has been granted or denied.
    • Team B submits its reply;
    • When a team indicates in this way that it has agreed to grant a request, the website automatically updates both team's schedules for the change and the schedule change becomes official.
    NOTE: The website sends emails to all parties at every step of the process with full instructions of how to respond.

    If a request for a non-weather postponement is denied:
    • the game must be played as scheduled;
    • forfeited; or,
    • canceled via the no harm/no foul option.
    Teams are limited to two non-weather postponements per season (doubleheaders count as one). After the 2nd non-weather postponement is granted, the same three options remain:
    • the game must be played as scheduled;
    • forfeited; or,
    • canceled via the no harm/no foul option.
    If a request for a no harm/no foul cancellation is denied:
    • the game must be played as scheduled; or,
    • forfeited.
    NOTE: The no harm/no foul cancellation option does exactly what is says i.e., it lets the team that can't play off the hook w/o any penalty whereas a forfeit results in a win for the team that was available to play and a penalty for the team that received the forfeit loss. Teams are limited to two no harm/no foul cancellations per season (doubleheaders count as one). After the 2nd no harm/no foul cancellation is granted, all remaining games:
    • must be played as scheduled;
    • forfeited; or,
    • postponed via the non-weather postponement option, provided the team has not used up its two allowable non-weather postponements and provided the team's opponent agrees to the request.

    A common complaint is that teams don't follow the protocols outlined in the above paragraphs.

    It is a condition of membership that all teams keep their online schedule up to date at all times. This includes timely replies to all requests for schedule changes made by opponents via the website. This is true for spring/summer teams as well as fall teams. Obviously, in a league as large as ENYTB, there are numerous schedule changes and requests for changes on a daily basis. Thus, it is imperative that each team do its part to keep its schedule current. There are escalating penalties for teams that continually fail to do so.

    Whenever an opponent fails to follow the above protocols in a timely manner (prior to when the game is scheduled) you should do the following in this order:
    • call your opponent and tell him he must update his online schedule or you will have to report the matter to the league office; and
    • when an opponent ignores your request that he update his schedule, report the matter to the League Office immediately (give opponent one reminder no less than 72 hours beforehand when possible and wait 24 hours before contacting League Office).
    We will contact that member immediately and help him to do what he needs to do.


    The website includes an advanced set of comprehensive and easy-to-use online protocols whereby teams can update the status of any game on their schedule. As discussed above, many of these protocols require that Team A initiate the request for change online and Team B to grant/deny the request for change online. There are many bad potential consequences when either team fails to follow these procedures. By breaking the change "chain", the game is not updated online and anybody looking at the online schedule has no way of knowing the game was changed: not your opponent, not his players' families, not your players' families and not the league. As a result, people may not show up for a game or show up when there isn't a game. This is a travel league and often people travel long distances for a game. To arrive expecting to play and not have your opponent show is a black eye for the league. Also, by following our online protocols, any possibility of a misunderstanding about a schedule change is eliminated. Further, by not updating a game appropriately, the game may expire as PASSED before you actually play the make-up. This will prevent you from entering a score. Lastly, by following these protocols, teams are unable to store up unplayed games and enter them as forfeit wins at the end of the season in order to "steal" a playoff berth (something that was done by teams before the current system was implemented).

    These protocols are defined and explained in more detailed FAQs below. Please take the time to read them if you have any question about how a particular protocol works. In the end, a league can be no better than its members when it comes to such things as schedule reliability.

    Bottom-line, ENYTB is very fortunate to offer a flexible rescheduling system that is fail-safe when managers follow it. When they don't, all kinds of problems and penalties are possible.

    If you have any trouble understanding or following a protocol, contact the League Office immediately. We will gladly help you through it. Remember, no matter what type of schedule change you need/want to make, there is a specific protocol available to you for doing so.

  • Am I Required By League Rule To Keep My Online Schedule Updated Throughout The Season?
  • Why Is There No Print Function For My Schedule?
  • Grace Period For Reschedules
  • Quickie Overview Of What To Do Depending On The Situation
  • Overview
  • More Specifics On The General Process Of Changing The Status Of A Game
  • Can I Add Games To My Online Schedule?
  • PASSED Games - What are they?
  • Are Home Teams Allowed To Change The Starting Time By Two Hours Or Less w/o Permission From Their Opponent?
  • Weather-Related Postponements - Incl Threat Of Bad Weather As Opposed To Actual Bad Weather
  • Weather Postponements, Make-Up Games and IMPASSEs
  • Discretionary Postponements i.e., games postponed not because of bad weather but because one team is unable to play as scheduled.
  • No Harm/No Foul Cancellations and Forfeits
  • One game of a doubleheader was completed but not the other, how do I record this on my schedule?

Schedule Management Protocols

Standings Questions

After You Have Won A Berth To A Sanctioned NCTS

Contact Info

How Do I Change My Email Preferences

How Do I Enter My Scores

Lineup Cards - Mandatory (available Online)

Field Availability


JOE Tournament (ENYTB/ValleyCats Fall Classic)

ENYTB OPEN Tournaments